2005  Pictorial Page 1 2 3 4 5 6

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2005 turned out to be an unusual weather-year. Snow happened at both ends. This snow didn't last long and was replaced by unseasonably mild and very wet weather. As you can see, the plow has been by and the railway is always ready.
And this year it needed to be. Flash Lordomat had a tough time capturing Skeena Pacific Railway's Christmas Train  as it roared into Dee's Junction on Christmas Eve. Engineer Nigel Mann had been held up earlier by southbound freight and no official photographer was going to have him late on the schedule!
2005 Garden Railway Pictorial Page 1 2 3 4 5 6
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This page was last updated on 03 Jan 2014.

Skeena Pacific Railway is a wholly-owned,

 1/29th subsidiary of  Skeena Pacific Consolidated, a Gilham Family  Enterprise.
Our Pitt Meadows Weather Station is located at 2km northeast of  Pitt Meadows Airport

Skeena Pacific Railway

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Copyright © 1976 - 2014 Skeena Pacific Consolidated  Last modified: 03 Jan 2014