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Once the cold and snow had decided to leave, it became warm enough to pour concrete. The Meziadin Viaduct had been suffering through being a temporary structure long enough and Engineering had decided now was the time to start. You may remember that the Viaduct crosses no less than 4 watercourses in a very short distance and to help cut bridge costs down it was decided to create a massive fill.
The fill of rocks and concrete completely blocks one of the old riverbeds, but to allow for occasional water build-up a huge culvert system was incorporated, with its outflow located at the north end. This structure greatly stabilizes bridgework and will allow traffic to continue until the new sectional concrete bridges can be put into place without traffic disruption.
And just a reminder that sometimes the light at the end of the tunnel really is a train!
Meanwhile, back at the log yard in Dee's Junction, #18 has been put to work, delivering empties and  collecting loads for the mainline.
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This page was last updated on 03 Jan 2014.

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