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So, finally, I settled in to run trains. And then it rained  -  a lot! Though the pictures don't show it, (except for really heavy rain, we don't take many pictures in the rain), we had a fairly wet Summer. Much more than we usually do. The trains and I stayed pretty much undercover and not a great deal more was accomplished.
Most of the trackwork that is not under some protection, lost a lot of ballast and I recently discovered that my method for building the long "tunnel" along the back fence had been compromised by trees having the audacity to grow and put roots all over the place! Looks like another construction and maintenance season lies ahead. Time to buy ballast and figure out how to repair the tunnel. Trains are able to run (Rule Number One) but something will have to be done.

So far as I am concerned, the rebuilding, upgrading, relaying and general mucking-about are all part of the fun and the challenge of the Garden Railway.


Another part of the enjoyment is the occasional visitor. While we had planned to spruce-up and hold an Open House for the Garden Railway Club, those plans were scrapped when I tore out North Kalum Yard.
But somebody liked our yard. This Great Blue Heron stopped by with the intent of fishing in our barrel (it is a small pond). Unfortunately for him (her?), the pond is "critter-proofed" with a chicken-wire cover put in place to deter raccoons.... and herons. So he (she) relaxed and watched the trains go by. I think I'll go do the same thing, until enough greenery has died back so I can get to work...



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This page was last updated on 03 Jan 2014.

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 1/29th subsidiary of  Skeena Pacific Consolidated, a Gilham Family  Enterprise.
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