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Construction season stalled again in Spring, with the addition of snow. We had the idea, when we moved south in 1998, that we would seldom see snow. The last few years seems to prove that snow is a regular visitation to be dealt with. Thank goodness (and Aristocraft) for the plow.
In the Spring, the Head Gardener determined that the empty space, clearly marked "Dees' Village", needed filling. Buildings and plantings were needed to humanize the village. It would best be done when present plantings could be found as they slowly emerged. A large house was purchased, quickly furnished and Diane and Paul moved in. That's Paul's Harley on the front porch.

The 'new' Meziadin bridge was fabricated, abutments built and then everything put in place. The low-profile, single-track bridge is eight feet long and very much the opposite to the viaduct it replaced. While it doesn't completely blend in, it is not the in-your-face structure that curved its way past and across this terrain.
The Head Gardener and I headed off to the University of British Columbia Botanical garden and ended up by purchasing some dwarf trees. This is a change in plans for us, as, originally, we weren't going to get into the 'miniature' anything. Plans Change. While we still don't intend to get fancy, Dees' Village will slowly grow small structures, small trees and a bunch of characters.


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This page was last updated on 03 Jan 2014.

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