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Once started, Dee's Village construction moved forward quite quickly. An earlier visit to Lorne gave me an idea that was soon acted upon. But first, power was restored and even some street lighting tested.

Two small men with big hearts were hired to continue with improvements. he village road was paved, with close attention being paid to the sub-structure. Cold patch asphalt was used to make the road surface, and because it is black and real asphalt, it looks just like the real thing. It was laid to a depth of about one and a half inches and has withstood the rain well. We'll see how it does through Winter. Lorne has used driveway sealer to successfully maintain his roads. We'll see.
As you can see, these two guys were worth every penny as they had put in concrete foundations, complete with underground wiring, for the new village shops. Put in the shops, a new station and now were working on both the roadway and the foundation for the bakery.

With a little help from the guys at Skeena Pacific Trucking and Crane, the guys dig down to get solid footings and foundation for the bakery.

Can these two guys really do it all?


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This page was last updated on 03 Jan 2014.

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