2008 Pictorial Page 1 2 3 4

Later March is still cold, by Vancouver standards, but it is time to press on, regardless. Some plants (and a lot of weeds) are starting to show, so re-construction in those areas where stepping in the garden is necessary needs to proceed. Strangely, the Head Gardener does not appreciate her plants being crushed beneath my errant heel. Kalum Yard, soon to be known as New Kalum Yard, has been relaid in the general configuration wanted. The idea to separate the yard from line along the fence has been attempted, but with only so much room between the fence and the gazebo, compromises have been made. 

As you can see, the fence line trackage was placed on 1x4 cedar, and while the cedar  is still in good shape, it doesn't sound right. If you have run your tracks on planking rather on the hard ground, you know what I mean. All the track was lifted and the sections taken carefully to an outside bench, where the soldered rail joints could be inspected and renewed as necessary. A detailed account of how I solder rail joints is included in the Technical Pages.
After all the track was lifted, I moved in with rake and shovel and dragged all the material away from the fence. I then installed 2x8x16 concrete  patio blocks along the fence to reduce rot at the bottom of the fence. This also allowed me to provide a flat, tamped road base that won't allow the ballast to slough in that direction. Using small grit for ballast looks good, but Vancouver rain tends to wash it away.
The track was put back in place on the 'rough' grade. And a week or so later, ballast was put in place to even the grade as it climbs toward Cherry Summit and level the track from side to side.
2008 Garden Railway Pictorial Page 2 of  4
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This page was last updated on 03 Jan 2014.

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