2008 Pictorial Page 1 2 3 4

While I had the ballast buckets out, I re-ballasted the lines around Dee's Junction. It looked better and everything rode better. It never ceases to amaze me as to how much ballast-material disappears each Winter, never to be seen again. I get the feeling I need to do a better job of sealing the main road base as the fine ballast material seems to wash through.
Then there was the idea to 'visually separate' the rail lines as they passed through the English ivy trellis. It has always bugged me that the lines were obviously not double-tracking and it looked bad. I developed a 'tunnel' using some slabs of granite and while it is an improvement, it is definitely a work in progress. I need to come up with a better idea.
Then I turned the camera around and took this picture of the "Executive Special" as it was crossing Tseax trestle. My attention was immediately drawn to the terrible condition of the tracks on the approach. Dog's hind legs have fewer dips and bends. Obviously this needs some work.
Following the "Special" out to Meziadine, I again noticed the poor quality and rough road on the approach. With track like that it is probable that the 'Boss' riding in the business car spilt his morning coffee.
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This page was last updated on 03 Jan 2014.

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