2009 Pictorial Page 1 2  3

On a pleasant, March day, the Maitenance of Way cut proceeds on a temporary alignment, with Heavy power, just in case the heavy snow of this past Winter decide to give it one more try.

So wiser heads prevailed and it was decided we would choose a contractor to build our new pond. Coastal Creations was chosen and it was agreed that April First would be the day.

Rob and his crew showed up on time just as Mother Nature decided she would have an April Fool's joke on us by throwing in a little snow. Undeterred, the digging commenced and in about two hours, the little machine had dug a pond that would have taken me two months to dig. The real work of putting the pond(s) and waterfalls together continued for another couple of days and soon the heavy work was completed.  The landscape finishing and planting was left to us and the work on that still continues.

The 'new' pond(s) and waterfalls. Rob and his guys were so mindful of the need for a railway right-of-way, almost to the point that they dictated the new alignment. I hadn't necessarily planned such a straight line of rail, but it has worked out very well.

From the old (2003) to the new (2009), not necessarily better, but quite different. The pond is about 4 times larger and deeper than the original and the small river, changed to a tumultuous set of falls.
With the changes, place names on the railway may have to change. The raging river is much more Stikine than Meziadine.
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This page was last updated on 03 Jan 2014.

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