2009 Pictorial Page 1 2  3

By mid-January of 2009, the Village was starting to re-appear from under the snow. But even then, it remained cold, for the Coast, and snow continued to drop in, off and on. Weird Winter.

The plan had been hatched that it was time for the pond to be re-built. I think I have mentioned elsewhere that I've never been really happy about its overall size. about 5 feet by seven feet and only about a foot deep.
The plan is to dig it out to about 8 by 10 and down 3 feet, so the fish have someplace to hide and I can get rid of the ugly wire mesh that has been necessary to stop raccoons and blue herons.

So with plans in mind, a contractor was asked for a quote, thought I may yet do it myself, and the old pond was taken apart.

Then it snowed, again. Not much, just enough to remind me that working on the railway, three months into a new year, is still a dodgy proposition.
The blue pipe in the picture is, perhaps, a new tunnel. But then we were thinking that it maybe a little too much, and we will continue with the original plan. The railway is integrated into the garden, not the other way around.

Keep watching. We don't quite know what happens next, either!
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This page was last updated on 03 Jan 2014.

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