
January 2016

Well this is a terrible howdedo. I have actually got some work done on the railway in the preceding year, but the website remains a mess. I started late 2014, getting together some pictures of the work I had done since 2011, the last year for which there is a record here. There was so little change that I actually became concerned for the railway's continuance. In 2015, I did do a lot of rebuilding and even added a wye and a little yard space, but it was not reported as I was busy outside and, of course, I was doing a fair bit of video (Youtube Channel is here). The entire site has now been downloaded locally and will be edited and added to as time permits.

May 2014

I was right. Time challenges and a complete lack of planning have resulted in a rather messy website. This site has been overtaken, as nearly was the railway, by my interest in Video. A couple of server crashes has not made the job easier. And then the 'redesign' of the main site due to a graphics company wanting to charge me for copyright infringement, which turned out to be so much bullshit, resulted in the whole lot getting screwed up. I have finally started spending time on the railway, again, bringing it back from the edge of abandonment and in fact adding some new trackwork and updating the electrics. Reports will be made, but the horror-show will require a complete re-assembly of the site and there is little indication that anyone ever actually comes here. But I shall return. A start is being made. Hold fast, Craigellachie!

January 2011

Oh dear. An entire year without working on the website. Well, things have been happening and the site has been a little 'left behind'. Moving with the times, a Skeena Pacific Channel on YouTube was established in early 2010. Video of G gauge trains, the prototypes and a few other things have been posted there. With the addition of an HD Videocam in late 2010, a lot of time has been spent 'chasing' trains.

The other major change is my retirement from my 'day' job. The intent is to start spending time on my many hobbies, including the railway, the website, photography, videography, computer tech, prototype trains. Hmmm, I foresee time challenges!

February 2009

I'm working on it!


April 2008

I attempted to do some catching-up, with the idea that I might keep the website a little more current. Well, we all know how the road to hell is paved (with good intentions). The additonal pages in 2008 relate to upgrading the roadbed and how some things have worked less-well.

December 2007

I am happy to report that the website is now up-to-date as of 23 December 2007. This may be a first. Now it's the railway that needs a lot of attention. Time to start buying gravel and ballast and plan how to do a complete upgrade to the whole darn thing. It many cases, the railway was made operational at the expense of longevity. It has all worked, sometimes amazingly well, but the quality isn't where I would like it to be. Plan the work, work the plan, starting with the basics of roadbed and grade. I hope to report good things in 2008, maybe with more pictures of the process. It may also be time to tidy-up the early parts of this web.... maybe later.

November 2007

Slowly and carefully, the site is catching up to the railway. This has happened because, as much as anything else, the railway has slowed down, rather than the website speeding up. Well, we did get a few things done. And some steps backward before going forward. Read all about it in the pictorial starting in 2007

May - 2007 - Disaster (of sorts) and Recovery (of sorts)

Shortly after 'catching up" last year, I had to stop what I was doing and give my hands and arms a rest. It seems that tendonitis (both arms) and computers and some railway work just don't mix. While the problem is not cleared away, we have been able to make certain arrangements to do some railway and website stuff. Here is the result, to the end of December, 2006, so far.

We'll make every attempt to update the site further, and hope to add some articles to the tech pages. We shall see how it goes.

Still having fun!

-- James